Our School Rules
1. School Attire and Appearance
1.1 The School Uniform
1. Pupils are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
2. The school uniform should be worn when attending school and representing the school at functions outside school. This includes activities held during the school vacation.
3. For Boys:
1. Pupils wearing shirts of the old design must tuck in their shirts at all times.
4. For Girls:
1. Blouses must be buttoned up to the first button at all times.
2. Pinafores must be worn at all times except when having PE or other physical activities.
3. Pinafores should be knee length.
1.2 Shoes and Socks
- Pupils have to wear white canvas shoes. Shoe laces must be white.
- No leather shoes, high-cut shoes, sport shoes, slippers or sandals are allowed.
- School socks or plain white socks must be worn such that 5cm of the socks can be seen. Ankle socks are not allowed.
1.3 PE Attire
- School T-shirts and shorts are to be worn on PE days and for the mass workout.
- PE T-shirts must be tucked in at all times.
1.4 Hair for Boys
- Male pupils must be neat in appearance, clean shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
- Hair must be short and neatly combed.
- Hair must be kept short at the back and the sides.
- Hair must not reach the eyebrows, ears or shirt collar.
- Hair should not be permed, coloured or tinted.
- Punky hairstyles are strictly prohibited.
1.5 Hair for Girls
- Hairstyle should be simple and neat.
- Girls with hair touching the second line of the collar must tie it up neatly with a black elastic band.
- Fringe should be kept short or pulled back neatly with a black hair pin or hair-band.
- Hair should not be permed, coloured or tinted.
- Punky hairstyles are strictly prohibited.
1.6 Jewellery and Ornaments
- Jewellery or ornaments are not allowed.
- Boys are not allowed to wear earrings or ear-studs of any kind.
- Girls who have their ears pierced should only use one simple ear stud on each ear.
- Tinted glasses and contact lenses are not allowed.
1.7 Nails and Make-up
- Fingernails must be kept short and clean.
- Nail varnish is not allowed.
- Putting on of make-up is not allowed.
2. Attendance and Punctuality
- The reporting time for all pupils is 7.30am. Pupils who report to school after 7.30am are considered late.
- The singing of the National Anthem and Pledge-taking ceremony starts at 7.40am.
- Pupils who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the pledge. Pupils will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Absence from school must be accompanied by a medical certificate and/or where appropriate, a letter of explanation from parents/guardian.
3. Leaving School Early
- Pupils are expected to remain in the school premises until they are officially dismissed.
- If a pupil is unwell during curriculum time, he/she may report to the General Office and rest at the sickbay with the permission of the teacher. The pupil should return to class once he/she is well. Otherwise, the pupil should go home and rest. The admin staff in the General Office will inform members of the family to fetch the pupil home from school. A form authorising the pupil to leave early must be filled at the General Office by the member of the family.
- If a pupil needs to leave school early for valid reasons during curriculum time, a letter would have to be given to the Principal for approval through the form teacher prior to that day. A form authorising the pupil to leave early must be filled at the General Office by the member of the family on the day that the child needs to leave early.
- If the pupil is representing the school in a game, a competition or an official function, he/she may leave his/her class only at the time stated in the consent form.
- Pupils must not leave the school premises after school while waiting for the start of the next activity, e.g. remedial, supplementary, enrichment classes or CCA, unless parents’ requests have been made and their teachers have been informed.
4. Conduct
- Pupils are not allowed to eat or drink (except for plain water) in class.
- Desks and chairs must not be defaced. It is a serious offence to deface any school property. Pupils who do so will be severely punished.
- No pupil should remain in the classroom or return to the classroom during recess unless accompanied by a teacher.
- Permission must be obtained from the teacher before the pupil can leave the classroom. Pupils who need to leave the classroom during the changeover of periods should get the permission of the teacher of the next period.
- Movement to and from the classroom should be brisk and orderly. Pupils should also move quietly as not to distract other pupils having their lessons.
- Pupils are not allowed to enter any classrooms without the teacher’s permission.
- Pupils should not run or play in the canteen. They should keep the noise level down to the minimum.
- Pupils are to queue up to purchase food. Food and drinks are to be consumed in the canteen only.
- Pupils should return all used crockery to the receptacles provided by the vendors.
- Pupils should help to clear the table in the canteen after use.
- Pupils are to line up and be seated according to instructions for assembly in the hall and the parade square.
- Silence must be maintained at all times while waiting for the assembly programme to start.
- Movement to and from the hall and parade square should be brisk and orderly.
5. Academic Discipline
- Pupils are to get ready for lessons with the relevant textbooks and worksheets, etc on the desks.
- Pupils must be attentive during lessons.
- All work given must be completed on time by the pupils themselves.
- Cheating in tests and exams is an offence.
- Personal belongings which are not required for school use are not allowed in school. These include card games, toys, pets and electronic devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, MP4 players, CD players and handheld games